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Course description

Programming skills and software tools for building automated bioinformatics pipelines and computational biology analyses. Emphasis on UNIX tools and R libraries for distilling raw sequencing data into interpretable results. This course is aimed at students familiar with UNIX and with some programming experience in python, R, or C/C++.

Instructional staff

Please click on the links above for email addresses.

Meeting times and locations


Monday and Wednesday, 9:00-10:20 am, Foege S110 (

Class Slack:

We will use Slack during class and outside of class to communicate, share code snippets, ask and answer questions. The class slack is here:

You will receive an invitation to join prior to the first class.

Office hours:


Course requirements


There will be no examinations.

Course grade

Grades will come 50% from the programming projects and 50% from class participation.

Course materials

We will read from several online resources and tutorials. I strongly encourage you to read all of the material in the following:

Specific, selected readings for the course will be listed in the course schedule below.

Helpful software

Class schedule

Date Topic Reading Assigments  
3/25 Course overview, student setup, and version control html pdf Git Basics    
3/27 Intro to bioinformatics pipelines, automation html Essential UNIX; BASH basics (sections 1-7)    
4/1 Tools for working with tables html Sed and Awk    
4/3 NGS read alignment html SAM format; bedtools    
4/8 no class, Cole at NHGRI Training Meeting   Project 1 due  
4/10 Bespoke tools for exploratory analysis html Monocle documentation; Garnett documentation    
4/15 Electronic lab notebooks with Markdown html; R for Data Science (Chapter 27); R Markdown (chapter 3)    
4/17 Making figures html R for Data Science (Chapter 13)    
4/22 Tools for working with tables, part II html; Relational databases html R for Data Science (Chapters 10, 12, and 5 ); R for Data Science (Chapter 13)    
4/24 R packages html R packages (Wickham) Project 2 due  

Example files